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The first place takes inaccuracy, untidiness and absolute lack of neatness. If you think of it and consider how many rows occur if your darling forgets about a shower and a piece of soap. But you can tell about it to your dear, not to your colleague. Working with people in an office we suppose that they are well-groomed, with good taste. But unfortunately, there appears a person who will terribly smell with sweat. It’s unpleasant to approach such a person. Foul smell from the mouth also causes a negative reaction. My God, don’t they know about hygiene? A man who bites his nails, justifying himself by nervousness is just inaccurate and doesn’t like to take care of himself. So lack of accuracy in appearance doesn’t mean that he will be pure and noble inside. There are a lot of facts and proofs that it’s better not to trust them, though there are some exceptions. The next most popular irritating habit is untidiness. It’s a drawback that includes, in some people’s opinion, many other bad habits. For example, scattering dirty socks in the corners, throwing clothes everywhere, when clean clothes are found among dirty. Dirt in the bathroom and toilet, mess on the kitchen table after dinner… The third annoying factor can be described like this: you are in a terrible hurry but he is sitting at the toilet or, for example, he is constantly looking for his clothes, even on his dressing table and is asking you where they are. The fourth place takes effrontery and lack of respect towards women. Curses, saucy behavior and impudence- all this shocks us and repulses. No matter what drawback a person has, if he doesn’t pay attention to it, doesn’t try to improve, it turns into a habit. The fifth point is the custom to talk about phones, computer games and football in the presence of women. Dear men, we don’t ask you to talk about cosmetics, but there exist more abstract subjects. In the sixth place in our ‘hit parade’ is lack of respect to your interlocutor and constant display of men’s egoism. I’ll explain: during the conversation you are often interrupted, the words ‘Me’, ‘me’ and again ‘me’ bore us and such a vivid example of narcissism is really sad. Such people don’t listen to anybody, always consider themselves right and are inattentive to others. Unpunctuality and oblivion are considered to be women’s privilege. But how can we speak about respect if it concerns men? It’s the seventh point. The eighth place takes the habit to scratch, for example, intimate parts of body, especially in public. It looks great, if a young person whom you have idealized starts scratching all accessible parts of his body when he stands up. To scratch, to adjust, to pick whatever – men’s main habits. It’s absolutely disgusting - to spit! And those who snore should get treatment at a specialized hospital. The ninth place share the habits to go back on your promises and of course constant jealousy. As for jealousy, it’s very common in all men. It’s common to think they are great owners. The tenth place share mere inattentiveness: when a man doesn’t notice changes in a woman’s appearance; arrogance, didacticism, making silly surprises, often unpleasant, continuous shopping, though they hate women’s shopping. Besides, they call us tattlers and gossipers, but men also like to chat, in this case they are called yaps. And the most exasperating factor, when you are very eager to stop your relationship is his inability to kiss as a woman likes to do it, well, sheer incompatibility. It’s not easy to consider it as a habit, but on the other hand, many women decide whether they want to be with a man or not relying on a test kiss. Because one man constantly slavers, another tries to gulp you or something else, no doubt, it’s absolutely disgusting. Summing it up, I ask you to pay attention on the fact that we missed one really important thing: men can be very exigent in their choice of a woman but very often they don’t meet their own expectations - it’s extremely annoying. |
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