All kind of internet dating services from international, and local dating sites which offer a safe place to connect other singles online whit a variety of useful features in order to help their users, to marriage and introduction agencies. Most of dating sites come with services overview and actual members reviews.
Specialized dating sites that covers particular singles group, organize singles events, trainings, or provides unique service to help with getting a date.
Find romance sites of every sort and kind that will help you with advice to spice your love life up, references to other dating directories and online personals services.
Dating Directory
Adult Gay Searcher is one of the the world's largest adult personals sites! You can make new friends, find the hottest singles, wildest couples and groups.
replies: 0 | hits: 240 | added: 13/03/2007
Global community of quality singles who share common goals - intelligent individuals who want to find great dates. Beautiful Russian brides & single women for dating and marriage.
replies: 0 | hits: 272 | added: 30/11/2006
Offers dating sites directory listing. Provides information for singles, as well as an love advice and reviews of romance books.
replies: 0 | hits: 330 | added: 17/08/2006
Dating Etiquette
In our life we often tend to prefer machines, robots, artificial mind and mechanisms. Even in the intimate sphere techniques started ousting human beings. Not to lag behind progressive generation and to meet a young person beyond reality, not just to meet but to start relationship, I decided to enter the world of on-line dating.
replies: 0 | hits: 1096 | added: 03/08/2006
Love and romantic relations always meant the unity of impossible, of two full oppositions, of man and woman. Not surprisingly, on this thorny path in some time after we gained experience of communication with the opposite sex, we make our personal list where we enumerate what a man mustn’t ever do. It’s time for us to speak about 10 the most common men’s habits that get on our nerves most of all.
replies: 0 | hits: 1200 | added: 30/07/2006
Somebody's first love was on the black list, someone else has the most pleasant memories. As it frequently occurs: the first kiss, the first feelings… The first disappointment and before that - the first sufferings.
replies: 0 | hits: 1069 | added: 29/07/2006
Singles events
A lovesick Juliet is hoping to find Romeo
Juliet Galloway hopes to star in an advert on TV's Love Island.The graphic design lecturer is one of hundreds of singletons to submit audition clips to a contest run by an online dating agency
replies: 0 | 5 August 2006
Pleasing Her Workshop for Men - Led By Playgirl`s Jayme
With Nancy Slotnick, Dating Coach and Founder of Have you ever found yourself thinking, `I`m pretty sure I`m a catch, so why am I still single? I`m intelligent, attractive, talented, fun loving -- why can`t I find Mr
replies: 0 | 7 August 2006
Find Dream Match In 6 Months
With Nancy Slotnick, Dating Coach and Founder of Have you ever found yourself thinking, `I`m pretty sure I`m a catch, so why am I still single? I`m intelligent, attractive, talented, fun loving -- why can`t I find Mr
replies: 0 | 25 July 2006
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